Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chasing Sunsets - Part Deux -

The Sunset That Wasn't -

As I promised, I am posting my 'failure' ...I guess not as much a failure, but more like the AMAZING sunset that never happened. The clouds were forming, it had been overcast, and someone posted - looks like it will be an amazing sunset - check it out!

So we took off - +Nevin Culley and I in search of this AWESOME sunset. It seemed dark for just before sunset,  and we thought - did we miss it? The clouds were so thick we couldn't tell where the sun was...we decided to go to the San Tan Mountain Regional Park - maybe we will see it better a little higher. The further we drive, the darker it gets, and the realization that the sunset is really not going to be much sets in...we pass the Mountain View Family Church - there is a hill behind it that is climb-able, so Nev says - "Hey, lets park at the church and climb that hill. Maybe we will be able to see the sunset from there ~" I agree, we park, start climbing, and realize that the sun is pretty much gone and the sunset never was... *Sigh*

Since I have all of my equipment out, I see the cross on the hill, and think - maybe I can get a cool shot of the city with the cross in the foreground - hmmm fail. Cross isn't visible enough. In my last effort to capture a great photo, I position myself in front of the lit up cross to get it with the clouds and the mountain background. SUCCESS!

Even though I ended up chasing the sunset that never happened, I got a great shot.
So sometimes, even though the amazing thing you think you are going to find isn't there, it's a good idea to look for alternatives.
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~Capturing The Moment~
Phaedra Culley, Essential Journeys

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